History Argument Guidelines
Two or more team members will prepare the history argument and will present it on the Challenge Day before a panel of judges. The argument, which should address the prompt below, should be 6 to 10 minutes in length. Visual aids, like PowerPoint, are allowed. Your argument must include primary source evidence and interviews that the team members have conducted. On the day of the event, you will submit a list of sources used in the development of your argument. If the list of sources is not included, 15 points will be deducted from the final score. If the list of sources is submitted but does not contain either primary source evidence or interviews, 10 points will be deducted from final score. See scoring rubric.
History Prompt is posted on the Rubric page.
Prior to the competition, students should have engaged in a sustained study of a book from this year's list.
For further information, please see the description posted on the rubric page.
*Book list for Literature event is on the rubric page.
Math Quiz Bowl
Math quiz bowl teams may consist of as many members as a team chooses. The team determines the division of responsibilities.
Event Guidelines:
All teams will compete at the same time and will have an equal opportunity to answer all questions. Calculators are allowed.
Proctors will be given 2 links. The first will be a .pdf version of the questions which can be shared with all members of the team. The second will be a Google form for submission of the answers by the proctor. Teams will have 12 minutes to answer 5 questions in each round. There will be 4 rounds.
Questions for the quiz bowl will be drawn from the subjects of algebra and geometry. Questions will generally be drawn primarily from the subject matter concepts outlined for the competition. However, some questions may drawn be from outside of the subject matter concepts. These questions will, however, conform to the broad subject areas of algebra and geometry.
Questions will be classified into three difficulty levels, which will have a corresponding time range for answering questions and a corresponding point value. Incorrect answers or unanswered questions are awarded 0 points.
Art Competition
Prior to the competition, students will create an artwork that includes their team name as well a representation of the prompt for 2025:
Given its impact and the degree of unreliable or intentionally distorted information on social media, do you think that it should or should not be regulated?
a. If yes, why, and how should this be done, and how should society address the tension between widespread inaccuracies, accountability and the First Amendment?
b. If no, why, and what do you recommend should be done to address the influence that misinformation and disinformation have on the electoral/democratic process?
Event Guidelines​
Artwork must be at least two feet by three feet at MINIMUM. The maximum dimensions for artwork is eight feet by four feet, either horizontally or vertically.
Artwork must fall within these dimensions or five points will be deducted from the team’s final score.
The top five highest-scoring teams will be invited back to the art exhibit where they will field questions from the judges.
The scores of all judges will be averaged. Averages will be extended to four decimal places to determine the highest score.
The team with highest scoring argument will be declared the 1st place winner. Second and third place winners will also be declared.
In the event of a tie, judges will assign one point to the artwork they feel is the strongest. This point is for tie-breaking purposes only. It will not factor into the cumulative score determining the overall winner of the competition.